Restricting Negative Energy And Regaining Balance. Intuitive Nature
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Restricting Negative Energy with Positive Boundaries

Restricting Negative Energy With Positive Boundaries Scissor Energy teaches us how to leverage intentional actions and it shows us how to take control over our lives to transform them. Previously, we focused on cutting away what no longer serves us (read more about Cutting Negative Energy Connections ). Now, we move into the second layer…

Taking Control - Intuitive Nature
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Taking Control by Cutting Negative Energy Connections

Taking Control by Cutting Negative Energy Connections Energy ties are invisible connections we form with others, and they play a profound role in our emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. These ties can be both positive and negative, and your intuition is a powerful tool in helping you recognise and navigate them. The Energy Connections That…

Intuition Blog Images
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Scissor Energy – Transformative Action for Spiritual Growth

The Powers: Scissor Energy – Transformative Action for Spiritual Growth As Pluto settles into Aquarius, The Powers continue to reveal themselves, offering profound insights and practical steps for navigating the energetic shifts from the 3D to 5D realms. Each Power introduces a new way of aligning with Universal Laws, providing tools to help us thrive…

The Powers Background Image Intuitive Nature
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The Powers are Transformative Energies

The Powers are Transformative Energies The Powers are Transformative Energies With Pluto In Aquarius. On Sunday, December 1st, 2024, during the stillness of the early morning, I experienced a profound spiritual download that I felt compelled to share. The messages I received revealed an incredible shift occurring now that Pluto has transitioned into Aquarius —…

Orange Flower Banners for Readings
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3 Ways Flower Readings Can Unlock Your Inner Clarity

Three Ways Flower Readings Can Unlock Your Inner Clarity Have you ever felt like life has blurred your vision — leaving you questioning your path, doubting your choices, or struggling to reconnect with your true self? In a world that pulls us in every direction, it’s easy to lose touch with the quiet wisdom within….

Intuitive Flower Readings with Susan Jane
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The Healing Power of Flowers

The Healing Power of Flowers and How Nature Nurtures Our Emotions If you’ve been through emotional challenges that have left you feeling unsure of yourself, stuck, or disconnected from who you are, you’re not alone. Many women carry the weight of difficult relationships—whether with a partner, at work, or even from childhood—that leave them doubting…

Spiritual Intuition - The Art of Intuition
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Embracing Spiritual Intuition

Embracing Spiritual Intuition – A Journey of Inner Wisdom and Transformation If you discovered that Spiritual Intuition is your strongest intuitive profile, you’re in tune with an extraordinary ability to connect to a realm beyond the tangible, where deep knowledge and understanding reside. This connection offers profound guidance, helping you to navigate life with purpose,…

Mental Intuition - The Art of Intuition
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Uncovering the Power of Mental Intuition.

Uncovering the Power of Mental Intuition. A Guide to Blending Logic with Inner Knowing If your quiz results point towards Mental Intuition as your dominant intuitive style, you have a unique blend of analytical thinking and intuitive insight. Those who rely on Mental Intuition often have a knack for dissecting situations, logically assessing options, and…

Emotional Intuition
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Recognising Emotional Intuition

Emotional Intuition. Understanding and Strengthening Your Empathic Edge If you’ve discovered that Emotional Intuition is your strongest intuitive nature, you have a unique gift: the ability to connect deeply with your emotions and the emotions of those around you. This intuitive profile is like an inner radar, always attuned to the undercurrents of feelings in…

Physical Intuition - The Art of Intuition
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Discovering Physical Intuition

Discovering Physical Intuition. Listening to the Messages of Your Body and Environment If you resonate most with the characteristics of Physical Intuition, you have a remarkable ability to tune into your body’s sensations and the environment around you. Unlike other forms of intuition that may come through thoughts or emotions, Physical Intuition often manifests in…

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