7 Crown Chakra

The Seventh chakra is called the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) 

This chakra is located at the top of the head and spins very quickly as a 1000 petal lotus, our direct connection to God. Guidance comes directly to us from the divine and is received through this chakra.

The life force from the creator penetrates into our energy system through the crown, and moves down through the other energy centres to the root chakra. From here we are inspired by God, and filled with Grace, because we have a strong connection to a power greater than ourselves. We live in present time and our spirits live in the now in harmony with our form and Will.

Our Gateway

The crown chakra is our gateway to the expanded universe beyond our bodies. It controls how we think, and how we respond to the world around us. It is the fountainhead of our beliefs. It is the source of our spirituality. It connects us to the higher planes of existence. It extends our energy beyond our body. It is the source of higher sources of information and universal energy and truth.

It is the source of our coordination – the relationship of movement between the parts of our bodies and the relationship of our movement through life.

The crown chakra is the body’s primary co-ordination centre. It ensures a connection to universal sources of energy and with the world as a whole. A balanced crown chakra allows for expanded awareness on an emotional level.

The crown chakra signifies illumination.


Top of the head or above the head, this chakra links the individual and universal.

Colours of the Crown Chakra

The colour associated with the crown chakra is Violet. Violet is the ray of spiritual mastery. It is a blend of red (matter) and blue (spirit) and is associated with transformation.


The Crown chakra is associated with the pineal gland, brain and central nervous system. The crown chakra is mainly associated with, communication to our spiritual nature. It is about our integration as a whole, all aspects of our life and our sense of living in the now. The crown chakra holds the issues and revelations surrounding duality, controlling or obsessive patterns.

When it is balance we are in balance. We are coordinated. We fit together. Our energies are in balance. We know our place in the universe. We are flexible, and we understand the ebb and flow of life. We see things as they are, and are unruffled by setbacks, knowing they are an essential part of life. We do not cling to outdated ideas or attitudes, but rather keep ourselves within the flow of life.

When in balance we are trusting, feeling fulfilled, truthful and have a general feeling of Peace & Oneness.

Out of balance

Blocks in this chakra cause confusion, depression, senility, fear of success and lack of inspiration. The flow of spiritual energy is blocked in both directions. When this happens, spiritual addiction and over intellectualizing occurs, as well as dissociation with the body.

When the crown chakra is out of balance or its energy is blocked, you will feel clumsy, uncoordinated, and at sorts with life. You will stumble in both movement and thought. You will be uninspired and out of step. The world will seem to be spinning, and you will be unsure of who you are or why you even exist. You will be rigid in your thinking, and be spiritually adrift. Your consciousness will be limited, and possibilities will not appear to you. You will have difficulty understanding relationships, ideas, and dreams.

  • Co-ordination difficulties
  • Poor balance and clumsiness
  • An attempt to stop new thoughts (in self or others)
  • Lack of spiritual exploration

Physical/ Medical issues

The crown chakra governs the area of the head above the ears and in particular the top of the head.

An imbalance will first resonate as a tingle, ache or sensitivity in the regions governed by the crown chakra. There may be intense or dull pressure, headache or migraine starting or extending to the crown of your head.

A tingle may serve as a warning that you may be repeating an unhealthy pattern. Severe migraine at the crown may be telling you that you have issues surrounding living for the moment.
Personal analysis with honest and clear communication with yourself is very important.

Health Issues: 

Migraines, brain tumours, coma, amnesia, nervous system and muscular system disorders, mental issues, and skin disorders. Muscular diseases and sensitivity to light and sound are also associated with the crown chakra.

If the emotional issue is left unattended to, it may lead on to more serious issues such as Depression, Parkinson’s disease, Schizophrenia, Epilepsy, Senile dementia, Alzheimer’s , many mental disorders, confusion, dizziness, and even just feeling as if one has a muzzy head.

Emotional Issues

An imbalance in the crown chakra may be brought on by issues involving a lack of reality (a strong desire for an outcome which is not yet happening) issues surrounding a personal loss of purpose or meaning in one’s life, feeling like you are having an identity crisis, feeling superior, having little or no concern for others, having a real lack of acceptance, being judgemental, having a lack of purpose.

It only takes one of these emotional conditions to form an imbalance, the intensity of which will be in direct relation. As you become more aware of yourself and the link between your emotional and physical aspects of you, your body responds more quickly to even the slightest emotional imbalance.


Individual rebalancing will depend entirely on the specific issue. But it is especially good to write things down.

Please note that an imbalance is not only caused by a weakened chakra. The aim is to have all chakras in complete balance with each other. If six are weak and one is strong it could mean you are OVER accepting, OVER trusting, OVER creative etc.. thus re-balancing must either involve increasing the size of all the other chakras or reducing the influence of the strong chakra.

Things that may help your Crown Chakra

All the violet stones are used with the Crown Chakra. For healing, these stones are said to aid insomnia or any mental-related disorder. Imbalances of the crown chakra are treated with Violet crystals. Their violet rays have the universal life force of magic, dreams, inspiration, and destiny. A variety of therapies are necessary for treating crown chakra balance problems.

Darker tones are associated with sorrow. Deep purple symbolizes high spiritual attainment. Pale Lilac means cosmic consciousness and love for humanity. Bluish purple stands for transcendent idealism

In addition to violet crystal healing, spend time dreaming. Try connecting to the spirit world you know exists. On a physical plane, do exercises that require coordination. Yoga postures that emphasize coordination and balance are well worth your time.


Crystals which can be used in association with the Crown Chakra are; Amethyst, Diamond, Clear quartz, Pearl.

Incense that helps your Crown Chakra

Incense such as Sage, Frankincense, Myrrh & Juniper can aid in clearing, cleansing and opening up your crown chakra.

Relative questions about the Seventh Chakra

If you an imbalance in your crown chakra. Look at the following questions honestly to help seek balance. 

  • Are you having trouble accepting something?
  • Can you feel a higher power governing your life?
  • Are you acting/have you been acting selfishly?
  • Are you/have you been feeling superior?
  • Do you feel inspired, and open to new ideas?
  • Are your judgements based on facts?
  • Are you hoping for a different outcome to something?
  • Do you often feel confused or depressed?
  • Do you meditate?
  • Are you feeling alienated?
  • Is there times when you feel let down with ‘life’ / unsatisfied?
  • Are you having trouble knowing what to do with yourself?
  • Do you feel a lack of enthusiasm to live your life?
  • Are you always complaining to God about your unhappiness?


Fasting or Detoxing can help you to cleanse, clear and open up your crown chakra.
As part of our statutory warnings, please, if you have any major medical conditions or are taking any medication, please consult your doctor before undertaking any kind of fasting or detoxing.
Choosing to go a few days or weeks without certain foods may be a good way to detox, rather than fasting. 
Giving up meat or red meat for a week, going without alcohol for a few weeks, giving up chocolate for a few days (can’t say weeks for chocolate!). Detoxing doesn’t have to be a difficult process, if it is, then stop.

Detox because you feel ready to do so. Not because you think it’s an instant path to a balanced crown chakra! It won’t be, as to do something only to gain means you will be acting in an unspiritual manner.


Affirmations work best when you can truly believe them. This isn’t always a natural process. It can be very difficult to be positive when you feel down and are in pain.
Do try starting with simple affirmations if you feel uncomfortable with more complex ones. A good way to use affirmations is first thing in the morning, when you wake up –  is to state your affirmation and actually imagine it. Then let it go, and carry on with your day.
The other way to use them is to repeat them to yourself, or in your head when you do find yourself getting overwhelmed.

Om / Aum
I am divine.
I accept all that comes into my day with trust and selflessness.
I am selfless.
I honour all others.
Life will bring me many wonders today.
Today will bring me a new enthusiasm.

As I focus on the violet light that radiates from my crown, I feel the strong spiritual connection to my higher self. The divine light is my protection, the divine energy is my power.


(A deep breath in) I lovingly acknowledge, accept and appreciate.

“I am complete and one with the divine energy”

Susan Jane – The Intuitist

We are all Naturally Intuitive, it is part of Human Nature. It is our Intuitive Nature

Intuitive Nature

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